Paper Mache

Date - 27.06.2022
When was it done - Sensory Time

Materials Required
Tissue papers
Tempera Paints

Activity Prep:
Preparation for this activity started with arranging tissue papers in trays with some tempera paints and water in a bottle.

Invitation set-up:
The invitation was set up using three trays so that every child can explore and participate equally in the activity. On one side of the tray tissue papers were arranged in a piled form along with a bottle of water and two different shades of tempera paints. All of these materials were introduced to the children one by one, while setting the invitation for this activity to make it more engaging. Educators talked about the activity like what exactly are we going to do, what are the things that we will be using, how many and which shades of paints are we having with us etc.

The activity started by tearing the tissue papers bit by bit and keeping them in the tray. Children picked tissues and started tearing them off, after this children one by one squeezed some water out of the bottle and then mixed the tissue papers and water forming a mixture that held some shape. After this the tempera paints were added to this mixture creating a colorful combination. Children then mixed this mixture together with their hands, kneading and squeezing it. Children added more and more paint and water as per their liking to make the mix more vivid.

Children’s Response
All the kids who participated in this striking activity enjoyed mixing and squeezing the tissue papers, water and colors together. They followed the instructions demonstrated by the facilitator.

Keeping in mind that children do not put the tissue papers or colors in their mouth or eyes.

Skills Required

  • Fine Motor Skills : This activity included tearing the tissue paper, squeezing the bottles of water, paints and mixing all of these together. This overall helped in developing children’s finger muscles, also allowing them to explore different textures.

  • Hand and eye coordination  : Pouring or squeezing water and paints out of their bottles helped children in understanding the amount of water and color needed to be put in.

  • Cognitive Skills : Looking out for different colors as well as feeling different textures with their hands helped kids in developing the intellective sides of their brain. By allowing them to differentiate between dry and wet textures, selecting a particular color etc.

  • Attention : Staying involved in this activity required a good amount of listening simultaneously following the instruction demonstrated by the facilitator.