

Arth, Kolkata’s most beloved preschool, is inviting you to be a part of its wonderful team! Whether you are fresh out of college or a high school student or just love children, we have a role for you.

become arthen - join the squad

It is our firm belief that children are born capable, competent, and eager to learn. Children are unique in their abilities and aspirations and learn at their own pace. Listening intently to children so that we can facilitate and scaffold their learning is our highest calling. And everyone that shares arth’s vision is ARTHEN.

But a school is just a pile of bricks without its educators. We are looking for mindful and intentional teachers to breathe life into our space. We are looking for humans who are ARTHEN. We have the following job openings presently:

    For college graduates with a background in education, creative arts, technology, science, and/ or social sciences. Click here to find out more about the role.
    Number of openings: We always have openings for this role

  2. Graphic Designer -
    For designers and illustrators who want to provide our arthlings with tools that enhance their preschool experience and cater to their learning needs.
    Number of openings: We currently have 0 openings for this role.

  3. Social Media Content Creator -

    We are looking for individuals like you who find value in creating memories through the wonderful medium of lens.

    Number of openings: We have currently 0 openings for this role.


We’ve had some amazing humans work with us during the 2 years we’ve been serving childhood in Kolkata. 80% of our present and past team members have been a part of Tier 1 Universities from India and abroad, including the likes of - Harvard University, IIT Kharagpur, IIT Bombay, IIM Bangalore, Jindal Global Law School, BITS Pilani, Bank Street College of Education, Lesley University, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Azim Premji University, Christ University, The EFL University, and FTII. Many of our teammates have, in the past, worked with National Geographic, Fulbright Scholars, Teach For India, Gandhi Fellowship, Pratham, Hindustan Unilever, Amazon Inc, and Kolkata Sanved.

From Kolkata, we’ve had graduates from Loreto College, JDBI, Shri Sikshayatan, Jadavpur University, Calcutta University and iLEAD.  We have also had some amazing people work with us as interns from schools like Ashok Hall and Modern High School.

At arth one of our goals with our teammates is to nurture the leader within them. We are so proud to share that all of our past teammates have gone on to pursue worthy goals in the field of education and human experience with many of them working on their own endeavours like Life Meets the Lens, Sang, Safe Space Studios, etc. 

If you want to be a part of a team of individuals who are curious, driven, compassionate, tenacious, autonomous, friendly, independent, collaborative, communicative, supportive, self-motivated, and amazing with children, then we encourage you to sign up for an adventure at arth.