When arthlings made a sugar monster!

Date: 18 February 2022, Friday
Facilitators: Ankur
Participants: Narushie, Sherry, Daksh, Isa, Nathan

Materials used + Step-by-Step Instruction 

Setup and objective

The objective of the science experiment was to use all the materials and make a ‘sugar monster’. We had set a table with all the materials with labels beforehand making it easier for the participants to know the names of the materials.

The setup for the science experiment

How it happened

The participants were a part of the experiment. We followed all the steps as mentioned in the instructions above and prepared our own sugar snake. In the process, we learnt how to work with fire and also empowered ourselves to become scientists. Since this was the first time we were doing a science experiment together, the facilitator read out the instructions and the children followed along.

Skills Exercised

  • Instruction following

  • Turn-taking

  • Measuring chemical reagents

  • Patience 

  • Scientific Inquiry

Our sugar monster rising out of the fire!