Making Biscuit Pizza!

DATE: 29th July, 2022, Friday
WHEN WAS IT DONE: Small group

Materials Used:  

  • Cream-cracker Biscuits

  • Plates and Spoons

  • Chopped Tomatoes and Onion

  • Grated Cheese

  • Tomato Ketchup

  • Seasonings

Activity Prep:  

Chopped tomatoes and onion were set aside in small individual katoris for each kid. Grated cheese and biscuits were segregated in tiffins and arranged in the tray along with all the utensils, ketchup and seasoning shakers. 

Process of doing the activity:

Plates and spoons were handed to each kid and one by one biscuits were also distributed. Tomato ketchup was passed around and they were encouraged to take some and spread it on their biscuits. Chopped onions, tomatoes and grated cheese were distributed next and these were also spread on the biscuit. Lastly, seasonings were passed around and they sprinkled them on their biscuit pizzas. 

How did children respond to the activity?

The children enjoyed spreading and sprinkling all the ingredients and patiently waited for their turn as the ingredients were passed around the table. They intently followed all the instructions and were very excited to take a bite of their pizza once ready. 

Skills Developed:

  • Fine Motor Skills - Using cutlery for different processes of cooking requires engagement of fine motor muscles. 

  • Sensory Development - Cooking provides an organic sensory experience. Smell, touch, sight, taste and sound are all used when toddlers engage in cooking.

  • Language Development and Communication Skills - The process of cooking involves a lot of communication. This provides an opportunity to learn language and communication skills.

  • Cognitive Skills - Since cooking is so experientially rich, it demands one’s brain to multitask towards a certain result. Cognitive skills, such as, thinking, retaining information and paying attention develop during this activity.

  • Attention, focus and concentration -  To complete the tasks of the activity, one would require accurate levels of attention, listening to instructions, focus, to execute the tasks effectively and concentration to complete the task.