Lemon volcano

DATE - May 6, 2022
WHEN WAS IT DONE - Small Group

  • Lemon (cut in half)

  • Baking Soda

  • Powder Paints

  • Vinegar

  • Small Bowls

  • Big Bowls

  • Spoon

4 trays were set with small bowls stuck to them using double-sided tape. Each bowl had half a lemon in them. In separate bowls, baking powder mixed with food colors were mixed and kept ready beforehand. Water was kept in small paint bottles so that it was easier to handle by the children. 

2 trays were kept per table so that the children could enjoy the activity for a longer time. Each tray had 9-10 small bowls with half a lemon in them. The educator helped the children to add the baking powder and food color mixture in each small bowl. After that water was added to those bowls and bubbles would produce from the mixture.

All the children participated as it was a very new, exciting and colorful experiment. They listened to the instructions given by the educator and did the activity all by themselves with a little help from the educator. 

Taking care that the baking powder, water and lemon mixture is consumed or comes in contact with children’s eyes or mouths.

Fine Motor Skills - The activity included opening the lid of the bottle and then squeezing the water out in its process. Such tasks lead to enhancement of fine motor muscles in our hands. 
Cognitive Skills - Color recognition through this activity leads to the development of cognitive skills. 
Sensory Experience - Understanding the dry texture of the powder mixtures or the wet mix of the powder with water provides a  tactile experience for children. The colors of the experiment also enhance their visual senses. 
Attention, Focus and Concentration - To complete the tasks of the activity, one would require accurate levels of attention, listen to instructions, focus, execute the tasks effectively and concentrate to complete the task.