PBL: A Book About Me! Day 9

Date: 24th August 2022; Wednesday.
Auindrilla, Sonai, Sanmoyee, Drishti, Anupriya, and Nikita.
Arya, Ayansh, Dhriya, Hazzel, Meher, Rishit, Shanaaya, Shannaya, Sharlav, Shivansh, Shivanshika, Shivanyaa, Vaanya, Yuvaan (Bhopalka), and Yuvaan (Mehra).
Tags: understanding the self, culture, pbl.

Welcome back to Arth Hours, where we are celebrating Culture Week!
The Arthlings are being introduced to different cultures through costumes, languages, dance, and food. However, there is only one thing which is truly integral to culture — people! Each Arthling’s culture is incomplete without the people they share it with. Our Arthlings’ biggest cultural influence so far has been their families! Join them as they show their appreciation for their nearest and dearest in this instalment of the series!


The activity was divided into the following steps:

1. Making a Collage of My Family: Each child’s family pictures were printed out on a sheet of paper. Safety scissors and glue were kept ready for use. A background of brown card, with holes punched around the border, was provided for each child.

2. Making a Laced Frame: Ribbons in different colours were cut into measured lengths for lacing. One end of each ribbon was wrapped with masking tape to create a pointed tip.


1. Making a Collage of My Family: The Arthlings arrived at the tables to start the new activity! Each child was presented with their sheet of family pictures. Many were immediately excited; Hazzel spent time describing each one of her pictures to Sanmoyee Didi, explaining where the picture was from, and identifying each of the people!
The Arthlings’ excitement grew when the facilitators unveiled a brand new piece of equipment — scissors! This new implement was greeted with much enthusiasm, but was soon found to pose quite a challenge! The Arthlings experimented with different grips and methods to master (or evade) this tricky tool.
Some tried alternating between their hands, while others tried cutting with both. Arya tried to bypass using her scissors by cleverly tearing around the borders of her pictures. Rishit also tried this method, but then went on to use his scissors with the correct grip. Shannaya found cutting was easier if someone else held the paper while she did the cutting! Yuvaan (Bhopalka) struggled with his grip, but resolutely stuck to his scissors till the very end! Each child then used glue to stick their pictures on the cardboard.

Hazzel describes her pictures!

Hazzel begins cutting.

Yuvaan (Bhopalka) cutting with determination!

Sanmoyee Didi assists Yuvaan (Bhopalka).

Vaanya cuts the borders of her picture.

Dhriya, Meher, Vaanya, and Shanaaya approach the problem in different ways!

Dhriya cuts her pictures carefully.

Shanaaya takes Sonai Didi’s help.

Ayansh uses orange scissors.

Ayansh cuts with focus.

Shivansh cuts and holds the paper himself!

Shivansh turns his paper to help cut more easily!

Anupriya Didi holds while Shannaya cuts.

Arya, Shannaya, and Shivanyaa cut their pictures.

Shivanyaa tries a different grip.

Rishit cutting with concentration.

Rishit arranges his collage.

2. Making a Laced Frame: The children then moved on to the next step: lacing! The facilitators demonstrated how to weave the ribbons in and out of the punched holes, to make a border. The children used their critical thinking and creativity to attack this challenge. Rishit used one side of his ribbon to weave in and out through the holes in sequence. When he found no more ribbon on that side, he asked Anupriya Didi to make a masking tape head for the other end too! Shivanyaa made a unique interlocking design on her frame, by criss-crossing the ribbons while she laced! Hazzel finished her entire frame without assistance. She used an overlapping weaving technique! When they were finished, the Arthlings displayed their work to Samir Bhaiya!

Sonai Didi helps Shivansh in his lacing.

Shivansh, Dhriya, and Meher lace their frames.

Shivansh with his finished frame!

Dhriya and her creation!

Arya inserts the tip of the ribbon in a hole.

Arya laces her frame.

Shannaya uses a green ribbon!

Rishit laces through each hole, one by one.

Anupriya Didi assists Rishit!

Rishit and his frame!

Shanaaya’s frame with light green ribbon!

Hazzel’s overlapping ribbon design!

Vaanya poses with her frame.


  • Fine motor skills

  • Organization

  • Art

  • Critical thinking


Although the focus of this class was family, it provided the children with the opportunity to exercise different skills! The introduction of scissors, and the delicate task of lacing, proved quite a workout for developing fine motor skills. Deducing how to cut and lace was a challenge for critical thinking. The Arthlings also used their creativity to develop different lacing patterns!
The success of the PBL method thus lies in the ability to integrate various skills with a deep central question. In this way, abstract themes are tied to tangible, real-world learnings and milestones!
Don’t forget to join us in our next instalment, the Grand Finale of Culture Week!