PBL: Christmas Carnival — Day 2

Date: 7th December 2022; Wednesday.
Auindrilla, Drishti, Sanmoyee, Sonai, Apala, and Priyanka.
Arya, Dhriya, Divit, Hazzel, Joshua, Meher, Nitara, Parth, Rishit, Ruhani, Shannaya, Shivansh, Shivanshika, Shivanyaa, Taanush, Vaanya, and Yuvaan (Mehra).
Tags: art, craft, christmas, festival, pbl, carnival, winter

Welcome to Day 2 of our ‘Christmas Carnival’ project! Our Arthlings are stocking up on their list of goodies to sell at the carnival! Read to know how they designed their own greeting cards and Santa hats!


The activity was divided into the following steps:

1. Making Christmas Greeting Cards: Brown card was cut to size and folded to make blank greeting cards. Trays were prepared with buttons, ribbons, wool, glue, cotton, and stickers.

2. Making Santa Hats: Trays were arranged with sheets of red paper, cotton, and glue.


The children began the day by helping Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer deliver presents. They transformed into reindeer and made Christmas deliveries around the world.
Making Christmas Greeting Cards:
In Small Group, the children assembled at their tables for another session of craft-making! The educators began by showing them a sample Christmas card adorned with a button snowman. Buttons were available in three sizes; each Arthling chose three buttons to make their own snowman card. The children fixed their buttons to their cards with little dots of glue. This was followed by cotton, to make snow. The Arthlings used ribbon or yarn to make a scarf for their snowman, after which the card was finished with a bow and a ‘Merry Christmas’ sticker!

Drishti Didi shows her group a sample Christmas card.

The children choose their buttons!

Dhriya adds cotton ‘snow’ to her card.

Dhriya and Taanush add pieces of green ribbon.

Rishit and his snowman Christmas card!

Hazzel adds finishing touches to her card.

Ruhani adds glue, with Apala Didi’s assistance.

Arya and Ruhani receive their ‘Merry Christmas’ stickers.

Shivanyaa applies glue to her card.

The greeting cards adorned with button snowmen.

Shivanyaa poses with her greeting card.

Making Santa Hats: Next, it was time to make Santa hats! The children rolled their sheets of red paper into cones. The educators helped the children to roll their paper, and trimmed the extra paper off the end. This was held in place with lots of glue.
After making a hat shape, the Arthlings added a border of white cotton around the bottom, and a cotton ball on top!

Drishti Didi explains how to make a Santa hat!

Yuvaan (Mehra) and Taanush experiment with their cones…

…And Taanush tries his hat on!

Apala Didi assists Rishit with his hat.

Dhriya adds a cotton rim to her hat.

Arya sticks her cotton with lots of glue.

Yuvaan (Mehra), Hazzel, Nitara, Dhriya, and Taanush pose with their Santa hats!


  • Fine motor skills

  • Focus and attention

  • Turn-taking


Our Arthlings have ticked three crafts off their list, with four more classes to go! Join us in our next episode for more pre-Christmas cheer!