Making Yummy Chocolate French Toast!

Date: 8th July, 2022; Friday.
Facilitators: Priyanka, Anupriya, Sonai, Abhinanda, Sanmoyee.
Participants: AHE1 Arthlings
Materials Used: Bread, Butter, Milk, Cream, Powdered sugar, Cocoa powder, Cornflour, Honey, Induction stove, Bowls, Plates, Spoons, Knife
Tags: Cooking, DIY, Food


The ingredients were arranged in a tray, covered with aluminium foil, and set on the table in front of Priyanka Didi. An induction cooktop was also kept ready on a side table. Care was taken so that the children could not access any hot surfaces, sharp edges or electrical connections.
The objective was to give the children an opportunity to experience the joy of cooking food that they could eat themselves! There was emphasis also on turn-taking and cooperation.

Arthlings listening with rapt attention as Priyanka Didi explains the recipe!

And we mix!

‘Can you help me add the ingredients?’, asks Priyanka Didi


The children were invited to come see what was under the foil curtain! They were instructed by Priyanka Didi to sit in a circle around the table.
Once the ingredients were all added to the bowl, Priyanka Didi demonstrated how to dip the bread slices in the chocolate batter. The induction cooktop was then set on the table and turned on. The children were warned to be very careful around the hot stove – all hands away from the table!
Priyanka Didi dropped the first two slices into the pan, and asked the children if they could hear something happening! All the children decided to be very, very quiet so that they could listen. A few seconds later, they heard something magical – a sizzle! This was accompanied by a chocolatey smell!
Priyanka Didi and Abhinanda Didi fried more French toast slices, and they were divided into small squares. The children were excited to try the toast, but waited until the pieces cooled down.
In the spirit of scientific inquiry, the children tasted the toast. It was found to be delicious!
Some of the children chose to top their toast with honey. They waited turn by turn for honey to be drizzled on the plate. After everyone had got a taste, many of the children went back for a second helping! It was then decided that Chocolate French Toast would make for a fun movie snack.
The children settled down in front of the projector to watch Shaun the Sheep and enjoy their tasty treat.

Warning: Hot surface. Hands off the table!

Movie and a snack!


Skills used

  • Fine motor skills

  • Turn-taking

  • Cooperation

  • Focus and attention


This activity combined DIY fun of a science experiment with the sensory joy of food. The children experienced cooking through sounds, smells and tastes. They also learned to exercise caution around hot surfaces.
Cooking is an essential life skill which shows children that patience and hard work can produce something yummy!